Happy 20th Birthday Vincent!

The surprise party that we had planned for him went down the drain since he anticipated it since the beggining. Our plan was to ignore him throughout the day and pretend to forget about his birthday but apparently growing older by a year had made him wiser somewhat. =(

All was not lost as he couldn't phantom what we had installed for him to mark his 20th birthday. Gleefully, John poured half a glass of vodka which the birthday boy sportingly downed in one big gulp. Next up was the customary aluba and after that the cake was cut and distributed to everyone present. The party had to be cut short since an assignment draft was due the next afternoon. But then again, no one said that we couldn't organise a belated birthday bash... :3

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The birthday cake before Vincent had got to it... (Note the position of the rubber band)

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Vincent cutting/(posing with) the birthday cake. (As before, note the position of the rubber band)

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SHOO!! Pushing away a stray rubber band which wanted a piece of the birthday cake as well! xD