The life of a college student...
The life of a college student as depicted by a set of emoticons. A light-hearted approach at college life.
At the beginning of a new semester:
During the first week:
During the second week:
Before the mid-term test:
During the mid-term test:
After the mid-term test:
Before the final exams:
Once the exam schedule is released:
7 days before the final exam:
6 days before the final exam:
5 days before the final exam:
4 days before the final exam:
3 days before the final exam:
2 days before the final exam:
1 day before the final exam:
The night before the final exam:
1 hour before the final exam:
During the final exam:
Once out of the exam hall:
After the exams, during the semester break:
And the cycle restarts itself...
6:34 am
Random ramblings
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Random ramblings
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